this is a test text meant for testing purposes only, not meant for real use but to demonstrate the ability to post test results to your blog or website. This post is about posting articles with the shortcode to an html test blog. We will look at the structure of your post and comment structures to be more specific. We will also look at using php testing tools to test. PHP and Testing Please refer to this article “Testing PHP Code: A Whole Lot More Than Typing And Assigning Parameters“ to get up to speed on testing and how to make assertions on your PHP code. Please read the article first to understand what testing is and what testing is used for. To be clear, this article is not about testing specific PHP functions, code snippets, or procedures but testing overall PHP usage. Testing PHP Modules Remember in our previous article we talked about our code tests? We started with an implementation of the testing module testing as we expected, to check what the generated test files look like and what kind of information we can gather from them. We then tried to write tests using
Study 6